Saturday 31 January 2009

Emmy the great...

Emmy the great is a british artist who's debut album, "First Love" will be released in February 2009. She hasn't had as much hype as she deserves yet, which I don't really understand because she played glastonbury festival in 2008 (she was amazing) and toured with Lightspeed Champion (again, amazing) and she is often compared to Laura Marling.

I think, however that she is better than Marling, particularly her songs "Aiko", "MIA" and "Gabriel".

She has a clear, sweet voice which compliments perfectly her cutesy yet insightful lyrics and pretty tunes.

I'd personally recommend seeing her live if you ever get the chance because she is really funny and sweet and I think that soon she will be a really big thing, so snap up the chance while you still can!

Her song 'Christmas in Prison' with Lightspeed Champion is a really great song and I think by 2010 or 2011 she will be very big in the UK.

What do you think of her? and please comment me with any music recommendations... :)

Monday 26 January 2009

Ava Leigh...

Ava Leigh is a relativly new British Reggae singer, Her song "Mad About the Boy" was featured on the film Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and her version of "Mas Que Nada" was featured in a 2008 advert for chain store Next's summer clothing. Her album 'Rollin'' is due out on the 23rd of February this year but her EP 'La La La' can be bought on Itunes and I would recommend you check her out. She's really good and I'm definately going to be keeping an eye on her in 2009. She's almost sure to be the next big thing.

Just remember, you heard it here first ;) ...

Television's pretty stella at the moment...

In England this is:

we're finally catching up on the Yanks on season 2 of gossip girl and season 4 of supernatural and season 1 of the brand new 90210.

All this makes me very happy, because it means my poor laptop doesn't have to suffer with streaming TV over l'internet anymore.

also season 8 of American Idol has finally arrived. I will admit that I am a massive talent-show hypocrite, because I despise X-Factor and Britain's got talent, and yet I'm addicted to American Idol. I'm completely loving Cara as a new Judge and some of the contestants are amazing.

What else is new? Oh yeah! New 3rd season Skins. Am I the only one who is a little dissapointed? Fart Jokes and Screaming teachers? So not the edgy-racey skins that we all avidly watched. I'm hoping the writers rethink this new found immaturity and grow-up. Fast.

More on this later...

Country Music...

Country Music is underrated at this time of year I think.

It generally feels a bit depressing in January, Christmas has come and gone and there doesn't seem to be much to look forward to.

So plug yourself into the nearest Ipod and crank up artists that will drawl out lovesongs in southern tones...

My top five recommendable Country artists:

1) Rachel Proctor - her song 'Didn't I' is perfect for a rainy winter day
2) Taylor Swift - perhaps a little overrated, but not talentless by any means, her album 'Fearless' is brilliant
3) Jamie O'Neal - 'Somebody's hero' is a fantastically feel good song
4) Sarah McLachlan - If you thought 'Angel' was beautiful search out 'Winter Song'
5) Tyler Hilton - I tend to either love or hate his songs, there doesnt seem to be a moderate but the good news is, he caters to a wide audience. If you're in need of a slower song try 'glad' but if you are in a summery mood, 'Norah Marie' may be for you/

I'll post updates of what music is seasonally suitable later ;)