Monday 26 January 2009

Country Music...

Country Music is underrated at this time of year I think.

It generally feels a bit depressing in January, Christmas has come and gone and there doesn't seem to be much to look forward to.

So plug yourself into the nearest Ipod and crank up artists that will drawl out lovesongs in southern tones...

My top five recommendable Country artists:

1) Rachel Proctor - her song 'Didn't I' is perfect for a rainy winter day
2) Taylor Swift - perhaps a little overrated, but not talentless by any means, her album 'Fearless' is brilliant
3) Jamie O'Neal - 'Somebody's hero' is a fantastically feel good song
4) Sarah McLachlan - If you thought 'Angel' was beautiful search out 'Winter Song'
5) Tyler Hilton - I tend to either love or hate his songs, there doesnt seem to be a moderate but the good news is, he caters to a wide audience. If you're in need of a slower song try 'glad' but if you are in a summery mood, 'Norah Marie' may be for you/

I'll post updates of what music is seasonally suitable later ;)

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