Saturday 31 January 2009

Emmy the great...

Emmy the great is a british artist who's debut album, "First Love" will be released in February 2009. She hasn't had as much hype as she deserves yet, which I don't really understand because she played glastonbury festival in 2008 (she was amazing) and toured with Lightspeed Champion (again, amazing) and she is often compared to Laura Marling.

I think, however that she is better than Marling, particularly her songs "Aiko", "MIA" and "Gabriel".

She has a clear, sweet voice which compliments perfectly her cutesy yet insightful lyrics and pretty tunes.

I'd personally recommend seeing her live if you ever get the chance because she is really funny and sweet and I think that soon she will be a really big thing, so snap up the chance while you still can!

Her song 'Christmas in Prison' with Lightspeed Champion is a really great song and I think by 2010 or 2011 she will be very big in the UK.

What do you think of her? and please comment me with any music recommendations... :)

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